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Financial Assistance Covid-19

Wage subsidy and leave payment schemes Let us break it down in simpler terms. These payments are being made by Work and Income as the Inland Revenue will have very limited staff. This will mean myIR will be the best way to contact them however I would suggest contacting your Chartered Accountant as the first contact. Wage subsidy. Accounting and Key Issues for:  An Employer. This is a wage therefore there is ...

March 24, 2020

Who keeps you humble?

If you’re lucky you grew up with two parents in a loving family. You have an extended network of relatives and close friends who form your family tree. Or at least that’s how I think of my close friends — as part of my family. The bonds between you and the people in your family tree help you weather the worst storms that life brings. They’ve seen you at your best and your worst and they do a very important job of keeping you grounded. Teachers from school, sports coaches, mentors and...

October 26, 2019

He tangata, he tangata, he tangata

He tangata, he tangata, he tangataYes it is the people, the people, the people but in real life. Steven Mulligan, Mark Carter, Hamesh Gulabdas, Carmela Larme Time away to refresh for business. Gain new friends, learn more about those connected last year and actually empower each other with our thoughts on business. Actually priceless for me. Do you connect and value those in the same industry? My thoughts you should. Its 30 degrees now so if I haven’t melted will post Xerocon19 pictures and...

September 5, 2019

The Kiwi way but making it better with GST

“You don’t know, what you don’t know” famous words by someone. If you do know a little, then are unsure then ASK, please. Today’s technology and simply being able to do everything online has meant people tend to believe advice is expensive, online is fast and DIY is best for business. Teaching clients with accounting software as an employee I was often working after the fact when clients were required to file returns and sometimes when the accounts were in a mess and Inland Revenue wer...

August 18, 2019

Software Health Check & Refresher

We recommend a software refresher.Your business may use cloud accounting and business software but are you using all the bells and whistles?When you first set up your software people tend to focus on knowing what they need at the time which is how to invoice.Have a refresher on all function and ways to reduce input time, timely invoicing, costing methods and workflow.Cloud accounting software is to make the accounting operation 'fun' and more 'stream lined' to give back time that is not now requ...

November 2, 2018

Do you have a will?

NUMBER ONE IMPORTANCE FOR MY CLIENTS Its not an issue we like to raise however it is a very important one. Do you have a will? Should you have a trust? Will your partner be covered financially? Who will look after your children? Many families are not all blood related so the standard law may not provide cover for all affected. If you are seriously injured unable to make decisions who will make the right decisions for you? Those left when you are gone will want to ensure that your wishes are carr...

October 26, 2018


Xerocon 2018 a most valuable conference on both a personal and business level. Networking with a range of business owners, software application providers and also the fabulous Xero employees. To have such inspirational speakers and entrepreneurs- Gill Hicks, Mark Manson, Rod Drury and Genevieve Bell to discuss humanity, life choices, the future and artificial intelligence to assist with our self motivation in our personal and business life. To then understand that your business software develope...

October 4, 2018

Mobile applications

Xero & Mobile Applications (APPS) What is small businesses saying? "Our business is only small and we don't think we need this now but maybe later when we grow"Just like having the right network of people, businesses needs the right tools.Do you have employees? From the 1st April 2019 it will be compulsory to file the return online from a payroll system.Do you have a high volume of jobs & trouble with scheduling work ?Then a small business app will help your staff complete a checklist , order pa...

September 19, 2018 Posts 1-8 of 8 | Page